Nashville | Seattle | Los Angelas | Houston | Memphis

Package Pricing

  • Mini Session

    This package offers a great value for our clients. Included in the 30 minute session for a base fee of $100, and $40 for each additional 30 minutes, you have up to two wardrobe changes at a single location. Edited photos are $35 each, or $225 for a portfolio of 15 images.

  • Half-Day Session

    Starting at $335 for a 3.5 hour session, you have the option of up to 3 wardrobe changes. Edited photos are $35 each, or $225 for each portfolio of 15 edited photos. Ask your client representative about our location change option.

  • Full-Day Session

    Starting at $595 for a 6 hour session, you have the option of up to 4 wardrobe changes, and a single location change of less than 3 miles distance. Edited photos are $35 each, or $225 for each portfolio of 15 edited photos. Ask your client specialist about our group option.